Monday, July 16, 2007

Waving My White Flag

So I did what I said I never would. I got a blog. I'm sure a lot of bloggers start their blogging career out by saying something like that, but I have to be honest: I really hate the idea of a blog. I have held out on getting a blog for the same reason I don't have (and am fundamentally against having) a myspace. "Myspace: a place for narcissists."
I just don't like the idea of promoting myself. I don't think I'm that special, and in the scheme of the other 6.7 billion other humans on Earth, it seems as if my voice deserves to be heard less and less every day. And I don't really feel like I have that much to say. Well- ok that's not true. I guess I feel like I have some stuff to say, but I just don't know why anyone would pay any attention to it. I have no credentials, I don't lead a particularly exciting life, and I don't think there is anything revolutionary about the way that I write or process information. I think what I'm hoping for in this is just that I will have a place where I can store the ideas that I often have that make me say, "I wish I could tell someone about this idea." I mean, I have my family, my girlfriend, and my friends but I suppose there is just something about sending your thoughts out into the vast nether-regions of cyber-space that make you think that someone will hear them and sympathize/agree/respond to you.
Well, to wrap this introduction up, I don't intend on pointing people in the direction of my blog very often. I won't advertise it everywhere I go, and I probably won't get a hoodie to sport around school. I'll just write what I have to write, maybe tell a couple of close friends about it, and just see where it goes. Whatever. I have no idea if anyone is even going to read this. Except for my friend Mike who pressured me into starting a blog in the first place. (Thanks Mike.) So here's to seeing pigs fly, money growing on trees, hell freezing over, and me eating my hat.
Ok, that's all.


looking for light said...

Youre a terrible person and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well said.